The Church is not just what happens in brick and mortar buildings on Sundays.  Our culture longs for connection and community and relationship as the cementing reality of who the Church is.  Transformation doesn't happen in one hour services.  We can experience the power of God in worship and sermons, but there is no substitute for cultivating a life around obedience to God and practicing the way of Jesus in community over time.  Those realizations have led us to this convictional blueprint for Fountain City Church:

We are first and foremost communities of Acts 2:42 people that come together weekly to study the Scriptures and listen to the Spirit together and share our lives with each other as we pursue Jesus. Our mid-week communities meet wherever you do life, and they are the core identity of who and what our church is--families of missional disciples: families—groups of people bound together by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; disciples—people devoted to following Jesus and living under his authority; missional people—people who prioritize living for and telling others about Jesus, both in what we say and do.

This is not just a conviction.  It's the plan.


Our Team


Grant Collins | Lead Pastor & Church Planter

Cami Griffith | Director of Connections & Admin Assistant to Grant

Daniel Miller | Students & Worship Pastor

Sammy & Jan Whaley | Kids Pastors