Kids aren’t a secondary thought to Jesus. Serving kids is one of the primary ways Jesus shapes and forms us into His image— whether as a parent, a family member, or as a friend of the family. In fact, kids are one of Jesus’ greatest illustrations of how to exercise faith and live in His Kingdom. We believe that when kids grow up in Jesus-loving homes and in Jesus-loving churches, God uses them as one His primary ways to expand righteousness in the world!
In KID CITY, our heart is to provide an engaging environment for kids, ages 0-12, to learn more about the God who loves they, as they learn to practice loving others & learning how to put God’s love to work in the world around them.
Kid check-in begins at 10:30am on Sundays. You can check in early and save time by downloading our CHURCH APP.
Our kids split up into 4 groups on Sundays:
Infants (Newborn-1)
Toddlers (1-2)
PreSchool (3-5)
Elementary (6-11)
If you’d like to get started in serving, click the link below to fill out the Volunteer Packet; once complete, you can email it to our Kid City leaders, Sammy & Jan Whaley, by clicking HERE. For other questions/information, fill out the form below. Thanks!